Robert J. Sprowls
Mr. Sprowls is the sole management member of the board of directors and has served as President and Chief Executive Officer of the company since 2009 and Chief Financial Officer (CFO) for more than four years prior to that. He also has served as President and Chief Executive Officer of subsidiaries Golden State Water Company and American States Utility Services, Inc. and its subsidiaries since 2009. Mr. Sprowls has more than 35 years of experience in business strategy, operations management, corporate finance and business problem-solving for regulated utilities, utility holding companies and highly competitive, non-regulated utility affiliates. Prior to joining American States Water Company, Mr. Sprowls spent 21 years at CILCORP Inc., or CILCORP, a public utility holding company whose largest subsidiary, Central Illinois Light Company, served approximately 250,000 electric and gas utility customers. During his tenure with CILCORP, Mr. Sprowls held positions as President, Business Unit Leader – Energy Delivery, CFO and Treasurer of Central Illinois Light Company, CFO of a non-regulated subsidiary of CILCORP, QST Enterprises Inc., and Vice President and Treasurer of CILCORP. Mr. Sprowls left CILCORP and Central Illinois Light Company following the sale of the company to Ameren Corporation in 2003.
He is currently a member of the board of directors of the National Association of Water Companies, a non-profit organization representing private water companies, and has previously served as its President and a member of its Executive Committee. He has served on the board of directors of CILCORP Inc. and Central Illinois Light Company. He has been a member of the Southern California Leadership Council, past chairman and a member of the board of directors of the Illinois Energy Association, a past chairman and a member of the board of directors of Goodwill Industries of Central Illinois and a committee chairman for the Heart of Illinois United Way Campaign.
He holds a BA degree in economics and business administration from Knox College in Illinois and a master’s degree in business administration with a concentration in accounting and finance from Bradley University, also in Illinois. He is a Certified Public Accountant (inactive) and a Certified Management Accountant. He holds a BA degree in economics and business administration from Knox College in Illinois and a master in business administration from Bradley University, also in Illinois. He is a Certified Public Accountant (Inactive) and a Certified Management Accountant.
- Member of the ASUS Committee